
A family arcade game PINIATA Hasbro

SKU: J0357
Unit: tk
Qty: On order Item in stock in our partner warehouse. Delivery time varies between 8-12 working days.
14,00 €
Qty.: - +
The rules of the game are very simple. Press the yellow button in the stand gently and collect as many small presents falling out from the piniata. But be careful! If you press it too much, the cut stone will open and all surprises will fall out of it and then every player can quickly collect them! The player who collects the most gifts wins.
The game will provide many joyful and exciting hours.
AGE: 4+
- a stand with a button,
- rod with piniata,
- 4 cups for players,
- Piniata gifts - 36 pieces.
- stands: approx. 25.5cm x 19cm
- height (stand + piniata): 36cm

A cheerful arcade game stimulates the child's development on several levels simultaneously. It affects the improvement of head-eye coordination and communication skills. One of the most effective ways to develop interpersonal skills in children is to play different games with your loved ones. Board games, card games and others expand intelligence, the ability to effectively express yourself and communicate your intentions and intentions to others. Games are a great way to play together with your loved ones. Thanks to such games children can spend more time with their parents

The set is packed in a very nice colorful box, perfect for a gift.
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