
Educational wooden game - Fuzzyfish

SKU: DJ01613
Brand: DJECO
Unit: tk
Qty: On order Item in stock in our partner warehouse. Delivery time varies between 8-12 working days.
29,00 €
Qty.: - +
Magnetic fishing game played directly in the box. Ready to go fishing? Children cast their fishing rods into the water without seeing what is hidden below. When they catch a fish, they bring it back to the hole to remove it. But beware: there are good and bad catches! Surprise: children discover what they have caught when they bring their catches back to the centre. Set includes 12 pieces (wood and metal), 1 fishing rod (wood, plastic, magnet) and 1 cover with hole (plastic and wood). Suitable from 2 years. Warning! In case of swallow magnetical parts, call the doctor.
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