
Games - Bogoss

SKU: DJ05160
Brand: DJECO
Unit: tk
Qty: On order Item in stock in our partner warehouse. Delivery time varies between 8-12 working days.
16,50 €
Qty.: - +

Djeco games sharpen observational skills, make you think without realising, develop memory and stimulate conversation and lots of shared laughter!
Bogoss is a strategy game with a difference, it glows in the dark! To win the game you need to swap cards with other players to complete your Skeleton. Each player aims to piece together 2 skeletons of unbroken bones or 1 skeleton of broken bones! The player can ask for a specific card from his opponent, and if they don't have it then a card can be picked from the pack. If they do have it they must pass it to the player - but it may be broken or unbroken!
The illustrations on the cards are phosphorescent making them glow in the dark! The cards come in a lovely illustrated box with a sliding cover for easy storage.
Includes 44 cards. This game is for 2 to 4 players, lasting about 15 minutes.

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