
Games - Ludanimo

SKU: DJ08420
Brand: DJECO
Unit: tk
Qty: In Stock
45,00 €
Qty.: - +

3 complete games for tiny tots: circuit game, memory game and balancing game.

Game contents: 1 animal dice, 1 colour dice, 15 shape blocks (5 squares, 6 rounds and 4 triangles), whose colour is indicated by the plastic disc on the top, and 6 animals.

Game 1: Walking the animals
Pieces: 15 shape blocks, 1 animal by player and 1 colour dice.
Preparing the game: The 15 shape blocks are placed to form a circuit with colours organised in repeated series of red/green/blue. The first block must be a square block with a red disc. The animals are placed on the first large square block with a red disc.
Playing the game: the children throw the dice in turn. Their animals go forward to the next block with the colour that has come up on the dice. If an animal arrives on a block that is already occupied, it must be placed next to the animal already on it. If this makes everything fall off, the new arrival, and only this animal, must go back until it reaches a block with the colour on the dice. The other animals stay where they are.
When players are near the end of the circuit, if a colour comes up on the dice for which there is no block free ahead of the player, the player's animal stays where it is.
Who wins? The player who arrives the first on the last block wins the game. The player should arrive right on it and therefore the colour that comes up on the dice must correspond to the colour of the last block, otherwise the player goes back to the block with the colour on the dice.

Game 2: Hide and Seek. 
Pieces: 6 large shape blocks (3 squares and 3 rounds), 1 animal dice and 6 animals.
Preparing the game: the 6 shape blocks are placed in the centre of the game area. The adult hides the 6 animals at random under the 6 shape blocks.
Playing the game: The first child throws the dice, tries to find the animal that comes up on the dice by lifting up the shape block of his choice.
If he finds the animal he is looking for, he has won it and places it in front of himself. If he does not find the animal he is looking for under the block or if there is no animal there,nthe next player throws the dice. And so on…
Special case: When an animal that has already been found comes up on the dice, the next player throws the dice.
Who wins? The player who finds the most animals wins the game.

Game 3 : Bang, crash, wallop!
Pieces: 15 shape blocks and 6 animals.
Preparing the game: The blocks and animals are placed in front of the players within arm's reach. The large square-shaped block is placed in the centre of the game area.
Playing the game: 
Version 1: The children choose in turn a block or an animal and place them on top of each other. The player who makes the pyramid fall over loses the game.
Version 2 : With 1 colour dice and 1 animal dice. The children take turns to throw the 2 dices. The colour dice determines the block that the child must take and place on the pyramid. When it is his turn the player chooses a block or an animal corresponding to what comes up when the dices have been thrown. If, towards the end of the game, there is no available block or animal corresponding to the result of the 2 thrown dices, the player lets his turn go.
The blocks and animals are placed one on top of the other or one inside the other to form a pyramid.
The player who makes the pyramid fall loses the game.

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