
Toddler games - Little Action

SKU: DJ08557
Brand: DJECO
Unit: tk
Qty: In Stock
23,60 €
Qty.: - +

A fun first action game for the little members of the family. It’s party time in the Jungle! Build a pyramid, play skittles, throw and catch, … take up these and many more little challenges to win medals. A first action game to get the young members of the family to handle objects and develop their fine motor skills.

Contents: 6 animals, 20 cards and 12 medals.

Preparing to play: place the six animals in the middle of the table next to base of the box and the medals. Shuffle the cards then place them in a pile face down next to the box.

How to play: players take turns playing in a clockwise direction. The youngest player draws a card and attempts the challenge depicted on that card. Players are entitled to three attempts for each challenge.

- Challenge 1: The pyramid. Take the two animals shown on the card and try to stack them as illustrated in the picture. The pyramid needs to stay standing for at least 30 seconds in order to count.
- Challenge 2: The throwing. Take the animal shown on the card and attempt to throw it into the box. The box should be placed at a lid's distance away from you (about 20 cm). The animal must land in the box and not bounce or fall out for the throw to count.
- Challenge 3: Balancing. Take the animal shown on the card and try to balance it on your head. You must keep the animal in place without holding it for at least 30 seconds to succeed at this challenge.
- Challenge 4: The carousel. Take the animal shown on the card and try to pass it three times behind your back. In order to succeed at this challenge, you must not drop the animal during the three passes.
- Challenge 5: Aiming. Take the two animals shown on the card. Put one on top of the box, as shown in the picture. The box should be placed upright at a lid's distance away from you (about 20 cm). Then throw the second animal to try to knock down the one on the box. In order to succeed at this challenge, the animal must fall off the box. It does not matter if the box falls down as well.
- Challenge 6: Throwing and catching. Take the animal shown on the card and throw it up into the air with one hand, then catch it using the same hand.

If you succeed at a challenge, you win a medal, otherwise you do not win anything. Then, it is the next player’s turn to play.

Who wins? When all the medals have been won, the winner is the player with the most medals.

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